Executive Search with Mercuri Urval

Why do so many appointments through conventional Executive Search fail?

Appointing effective leaders is always difficult. Experience in a similar job is not a reliable predictor of future performance in a new job and focusing on the known contacts of an Executive Search-consultant or an Executive is highly unlikely to lead to approaching the most suitable and diverse future leader(s) you need.  Errors in selection are even more likely when the speed of change is increasing, and leadership roles are becoming ever more complex.

Widely cited research is clear, 40-60% of leader appointments made using conventional approaches fail.
Read the words of our CEO Richard Moore

Conventional approaches used in mainstream Executive Search and leadership recruitment fail when predictions of a ‘match’ are unreliable. The extent to which a hiring manager and a candidate like each other is an extremely poor predictor when forecasting long term success at work – as are previous connections and job titles. Widely used sourcing approaches restrict opportunities and so diversity. Despite the many excellent HR experts, business Executives and Executive Search-consultants working in leader selection, mainstream approaches to Executive appointments are often undermined by the poor performance.

Our science-based approach delivers much more reliable outcomes. MU Executive Search is a modern and reliable way of recruiting leaders that dramatically reduces the most significant inherent risks (the ‘performance’ and ‘diversity’ problems) associated with conventional Executive Search methodology.

Change in how leaders are recruited through Executive Search is needed

The pace of change is increasing complexity and amplifying the risks associated with conventional Executive Search idea.  Effective leader selection has never been harder or more important.  Conventional approaches are no longer fit for purpose. Organisations require diverse and sustainably effective leadership:

  • The ‘performance problem’ found in conventional Executive Search is a consequence of using generic models and beliefs about leadership roles and subjective decision making - this must be addressed by recognising that each organisation and leader is unique and utilising the most relevant facts to govern selection.
  • The ’diversity problem’ found in conventional Executive Search narrows the candidate pool and inhibits inclusion. Only ethical and evidence-based recruitment processes can ensure appropriately qualified candidates are systematically included and consistently selected based on relevant evidence.

Organisations rightly demand better results, and leadership candidates expect a professional and transparent process. To be more successful in Executive appointments a more scientific and tailored method for selecting leaders is required.

MU Executive Search is the alternative to conventional Executive Search

Choose science-based ways of working over chance

MU Executive Search is a more modern way of recruiting leaders that dramatically reduces the impact of the ‘performance’ and ‘diversity’ problems associated with mainstream Executive Search:

  • MU Executive Search starts by understanding your unique business situation with increased thoroughness.. A certified and expert team analyses your required results and the organisational context in which the leader must succeed. A deep understanding of the specific and unique leadership demands informs a systematic and fresh analysis of the candidate market every time – within and beyond existing candidate networks. A qualified and inclusive candidate pool that meets requirements on competence and potential is presented every time.
  • With the candidate market analysis completed, the same certified and expert team uses the MU Leadership Assessment to predict a leader’s capability to meet immediate and future requirements for success in the specific role – the MU Leadership Assessment is precisely tailored to meet the needs of every assignment.

With MU Executive Search hiring decisions are based on hard facts and logical arguments reflecting a deep insight into the candidate´s competence and potential and a detailed understanding of the unique performance criteria for the specific job and context, and are not based on generic models or theories associated with leadership

By employing leaders based on what they can actually do, rather than on what they did before, who they know, or how well liked or ‘generally talented’ they are, MU Executive Search consistently delivers leaders who immediately perform and achieve sustainable results.

Effective leadership is best secured by using MU Executive Search – a predictive, fair, and rational method that is consistently applied, regulated, and validated long-term.

Mercuri Urval’s Executive Search process includes:

  • Thorough analysis of the unique business context and situation as well as the specific capability requirements
  • Deep knowledge and analysis of the relevant candidate market
  • Tailored, professional and discrete candidate approach and engagement activity
  • Best-in-class ISO 10667-2 Standard Assessment to select and benchmark candidates
  • Bespoke on-boarding and integration advice

Global Executive Search with Mercuri Urval

Often the right leader is not currently living in your local market, our Executive Search experts can find them wherever they are. If your market is increasingly international, we have the expertise to search across the globe for the capabilities you need. Many Executive roles are international by nature and require an international approach. Having a local presence as well as a broad international candidate network is a prerequisite to succeed in Executive Search across borders.

MU is a leading global Executive Search firm operating in more than 60 different countries. As one global company we have no internal barriers inhibiting what we can do for you – we support our clients through Executive Search worldwide.

When choosing MU for Executive Search, we offer local knowledge with international reach, which means that you have access to search capabilities globally. Your local Executive Search-consultant will make sure that our engagement is in line with your expectations, wherever they may be.

Why choose MU for your next Executive Search?

MU Executive Search is a high-quality science-based service, which finds and matches the best available candidates with your specific business needs, ensuring you select the candidate with the best potential to deliver results.

Our Executive Search experts have the knowledge and expertise - as well as the analytical tools and methods - needed to understand our clients’ strategic goals, business, and organisational culture. This understanding guides the delivery of our services in all markets and in all regions of the world.

  • More than 90% of the leaders we recommend meet or exceed expectations*
  • We have industry teams working in all major markets worldwide.
  • Our track-record with >1000 Executive and Senior Management Searches successfully completed each year inspires confidence and trust
  • 89% of our clients agree that our services effectively solved their problem**
  • Our standards in Assessment are unrivalled Quality Assured to ISO 10667-2***

* Regularly published validation studies

** Client perception surveys conducted in >15 countries, 2020-2022.

 *** Reoccurring validation studies, annually audited by DNV

Responsible consultants:

Matthew Owens

Partner & Director (Team Leader)

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Responsible consultants:

Daniel Müller

Partner & Director

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Responsible consultants:

Monika Weiß

Engagement Manager

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Responsible consultants:

Dominik Roth

Partner & Director

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Responsible consultants:

Vincenzo Di Pietro

Partner & Team Director

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